Blockchain food system traceability

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM
14 May 2021

Description of the innovative solution

Lack of transparency in the food supply chain is an issue when trying to identify and trace causes for foodborne diseases and adulterations. A solution is needed for all value chain actors to share reliable data. Blockchain holds the potential to alter modern food systems for the better by enabling storage and distribution of transactional information in a decentralized, tamperproof database. The technology behind blockchain is an automated and decentralized digital record keeping system. Upon each transaction, a timestamped and non-alterable record, or “block”, is created and distributed...

Lack of transparency in the food supply chain is an issue when trying to identify and trace causes for foodborne diseases and adulterations. A solution is needed for all value chain actors to share reliable data. Blockchain holds the potential to alter modern food systems for the better by enabling storage and distribution of transactional information in a decentralized, tamperproof database. The technology behind blockchain is an automated and decentralized digital record keeping system. Upon each transaction, a timestamped and non-alterable record, or “block”, is created and distributed throughout an open network, which provides transparent insights into all previous data points associated with the transaction. Blockchain technology on a mobile phone platform has the potential to connect small farmers to international value chains and markets. Blockchain applications can provide insights to food supply and demand and can help identify inefficiencies and non-value adding activities, food loss and facilitate fairer pricing mechanisms.

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information

Blockchain Technology for Agriculture: Applications and Rationale
Scientific paper
This article examines the applications of blockchain technology in food supply chains, agricultural insurance, smart farming, transactions of agricultural products for both theoretical and practical perspectives.
Traceability in Agri Value Chain
Business case
Smart Contracts built over Hyper Ledger Fabric, G&G's UPAJGURU applies AI, Image Procesing & IOTs for integrated AgiValue Chain Platform.
Shared by Grus & Grade Private Limited


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