Actively supporting youth engagement in food system transformation
As the world’s looks to its future food systems, young people have an extraordinary potential to mobilize and influence tangible, positive change in our world’s food systems.
Youth are truly a powerful constituency to catalyse widespread change!
The IFSS portal community is listening to youth and believes that driving change will only occur if the next generation is at the decision making table. The portal's Youth Engagement Network was launched in 2021 along with partners at NutritionConnect.org and the youth-led initiative Act4Food/Act4Change.
*watch the launch of the Youth Engagement Network orientation session HERE
READ MORE about the work and efforts that our youth research team, youth advocates and youth allies have accomplished. We welcome you to join in to strengthen youth networks, share knowledge in a co-learning approach, and your build skills to lead the next generation in food system transformation for healthier diets on a healthy planet in more equitable ways.

Act4Food/Act4Change community
World Food Forum movement
Youth At the Table Conversations
Resources and tools for youth action
Student blogs on youth in food systems