Portal collaboration
The food system supports millions of livelihoods and provides the food that is central to human health and wellbeing -- but it is also a major driver of global environmental degradation and poor health.
We urgently need to think and act in new ways to make sure that affordable, safe, and nutritious foods are accessible to all, while also restoring and protecting our environment.
While considerable‘ best practices’ and traditional knowledge for supporting food systems already exist, it is critical to recreate food systems and devise transformative solutions that work on these interlinked issues at the same time.
The core portal team includes the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Glocolearning, along with the EAT Foundation and the CGIAR. The inititaive builds off of the outputs and momentum from “Project DISRUPT: Healthy Diets on a Healthy Planet”, a Delphi study conducted from March - July 2020. Additionally, work done by collaborators with the Wild Futures project at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability and CSIRO’s Food Systems and Global Change group helped to shape the portal content and focus in early stages.
Portal collaborators have grown to include, Wageningen University & Research, the SUN Business Network, CoSAI (the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification), the Social Gastronomy Movement, the World WIldlife Fund, and the youth-led initiatives Act4Food/Act4Change and the World Food Forum.

Partner with us!
The database of innovative solutions in the portal was launched with 100+ solutions that were identified through multiple food system innovation “sourcing” efforts by the core team (research papers included below in Background Resources).
Moving forward, the portal will continue to grow as more innovative solutions, examples and additional resources are added by individuals and teams working around the world on these same issues.
We welcome your contributions!
The Advisory Committee meets several times a year to provide input and support to the Coordination & Management team. *FULL BIO BOOK HERE
Coordinators & Management team
Charlotte Pedersen - Senior Advisor, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Françoise Cattaneo - Program Assistant, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Roseline Remans - Visiting Fellow, the Alliance of Bioversity International - CIAT; Founder, Glocolearning
Heather Zornetzer - Research Consultant, the Alliance of Bioversity International - CIAT; Glocolearning
Advisory Committee Members
Christopher Barrett- Professor of Applied Economics & Management, Cornell University
Inge Brouwer - Associate Professor, Wageningen University & Research
Fabrice DeClerck - Science Director, EAT Foundation; Senior Scientist, the Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT
Nicola Gryczka - CEO and Co-founder, Social Gastronomy Movement
Mario Herrero Acosta - Professor of Sustainable Food Systems & Global Change, Cornell University
Marc Schut - CGIAR Strategic Advisor Innovation, Scaling and Stage-gating;Senior Innovation and Scaling Scientist,Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
Ritta Shine - Global Co-Coordinator, Sun Business Network
Corné van Dooren - Senior Advisor Sustainable Diets, the World Wildlife Fund for Nature
Alain Vidal - Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network; Consulting Professor, AgroParisTech
Many of the solutions included in the database were sourced by research carried about by teams around the world in ongoing independent (but relavent) projects. The following papers are the published resources that correspond to this work.
GAIN / Biodiversity-CIAT / EAT
Project DISRUPT: Game-changing innovations for healthy diets on a healthy planet (Working Paper Series 15, 2020)
GAIN / Global Knowledge Initiative
Nutritious Food Foresight: twelve ways to invest in good food for emerging markets (2019)
CSIRO’s Food Systems and Global Change group
Articulating the effect of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals (Lancet 2020)
the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Bundling innovations to transform agri-food systems (Nature 2020)
Many people have made significant contributions to the design and development of portal resources and content. Below you'll find names and affiliations of those behind these efforts!
Name | Organization |
Alem Hadera Abay | Consultant - Senior Nutritionist |
Ermias Aynekulu | World Agroforestry (ICRAF) |
Nazmul Alam | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) |
Lukasz Aleksandrowicz | Wellcome Trust |
Fikadu Reta Alemayehu | Hawassa University, Ethiopia |
Henrik Jørgen Andersen | Arla Foods Ingredients |
Alex O. Awiti | East Africa Institute, Aga Khan University, Kenya |
Christopher B. Barrett | Cornell University |
Kaleab Baye | Addis Ababa University |
Tesfaye Hailu Bekele | Ethiopian Public Health Institute; Wageningen University and Research |
Inge D. Brouwer | A4NH-CGIAR Flagship Food Systems for Healthier Diets, Wageningen University |
Françoise Cattaneo | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Wageningen University |
Patrick Caron | Scientific Council of AgroParisTech; University of Montpellier |
Julia Compton | Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI), WLE/IWMI CGIAR |
Damien Conaré | UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems (Montpellier SupAgro) |
Tesfaye Haile Dargie | UNDP Ethiopia |
Camilla De Nardi | World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) |
Ruth DeFries | Columbia University |
David Edwards | World Wildlife Fund-UK |
Jessica Fanzo | Johns Hopkins University |
Giovanni V. Frajese | University of Rome “Foro Italico” |
Greg S. Garrett | Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) |
Douglas Gayeton | The Lexicon |
Chris Gordon | Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) |
Joseph Gridley | EIT Food |
Nicola Gryczka | Gastromotiva; Social Gastronomy Movement |
Afton Halloran | Consultant - Sustainable Food Systems Transitions |
Chavanne Hanson | Global Food Team @ Google |
Jody Harris | Institute of Development Studies (UK); World Vegetable Center (Thailand) |
Guy Hogge | Louis Dreyfus Company |
Nick Jacobs | IPES-Food |
Thomas Kähler | ROCKWOOL |
Mark Kaplan | Envisible - Wholechain |
Tarik Kassaye | Consultant - Nutrition |
Bushra Ferdous Khan | North South University, Bangladesh |
Carl Lachat | Ghent University |
Ferew Lemma | Ministry of Health, Ethiopia |
Agnes Martin | Danone |
Timothée Pasqualini | World Benchmarking Alliance |
Sarah Rawson | Olam International |
Carson Roper | Consultant - Seafood Industry Liaison |
Ruerd Ruben | Wageningen University and Research |
Petra Schmitter | International Water Management Institute (IWMI) |
Dominic Schofield | Peregrine Impact Associates |
Sergey Shabala | University of Tasmania, Australia |
Dorothy Shaver | Unilever |
Laura Shulman | Food Future Strategies Inc. |
Ethan Soloviev | HowGood.com |
Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted | CGIAR-WorldFish |
Nazim Uddin | Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) |
Elke Vandamme | International Potato Center (CIP) CGIAR |
Tom Verdonk | University of Leuven |
Alain Vidal | World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) |
Mario Herrero | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
Daniel Mason-D'Croz | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
Jeda Palmer | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
Roseline Remans | the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CGIAR |
Fabrice DeClerck | EAT; the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CGIAR |
Marie-Angélique Laporte | the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CGIAR |
Heather Zornetzer | the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CGIAR |
Charlotte Pedersen | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Sanne Jensen | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Maud de Hemptinne | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Eric Brulé-Champagne | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Wendy Gonzalez | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Stella Nordhagen | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Fanny Dyrberg | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Catia Pedro | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Abby Falla | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Oliver Camp | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Catherine LeBlanc | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) |
Claire Song | Cornell University |
Kamakhya Misra | Cornell University |
Nick Sutera | Cornell University |
Katherine Philipp | Cornell University |
Maggie Hamilton | Cornell University |
Ella Therese de Bruijn | Cornell University |
Elyssa Pergola | Cornell University |
Hannah Rosenberg | Cornell University |
Sammi Lin | Cornell University |
Prawira Pikanto | Cornell University |