Facilitating co-learning and co-creation to empower people and organizations in driving food systems change
Transforming systems is not easy. There are many actors and many stakes involved. A large variety of food and agricultural innovations are being developed but these innovations are often siloed targeting specific problems, and largely remain disconnected from unintended consequences and from the more complex demand for systemic transformative change.
Glocolearning is set up as a social enterprise to facilitate collaborative learning and co-creation for positive food systems change. Glocolearning thereby brings the knowledge and expertise and mobilizes food system & innovation networks, needs & approaches with tools and experience on co-creation & co-learning to empower the human and organizational capacity, courage, mutual understanding, and connectivity for real food systems change on the ground. Because in our food systems, we can all be a student and a teacher.
In collaboration with the IFSS portal initiative, Glocolearning facilitates backcasting workshops, delphi processes, and related co-learning, training and capacity building efforts.
For more information, visit Glocolearning's website or you can reach out directly to roseline@glocolearning.com

Support for Innovation Challenges
Colearning with youth leaders in food system change
Ongoing collaborative research in systems change