Optimised irrigation systems

This solution was shared by IFSS Research team
28 June 2021

Description of the innovative solution

Agriclulture is the largest user of water among human activities. Water withdrawals for agriculture are estimated to be around 70% of all use of water. Climate change is becoming more prevalent globally with increased incidence of extreme weather events, such as prolonged droughts, combined with increasingly frequent heat waves. To mediate and adapt, it is essention to set up of innovative irrigation water management to ensure fresh water for human consumption and agricultural production as well as to preserve the environment. These optimised irrigation systems will provide an opportunity for...

Agriclulture is the largest user of water among human activities. Water withdrawals for agriculture are estimated to be around 70% of all use of water. Climate change is becoming more prevalent globally with increased incidence of extreme weather events, such as prolonged droughts, combined with increasingly frequent heat waves. To mediate and adapt, it is essention to set up of innovative irrigation water management to ensure fresh water for human consumption and agricultural production as well as to preserve the environment. These optimised irrigation systems will provide an opportunity for reduced water demand in irrigation and ensure food production as climate changes. Different irrigation systems have been put into place or are currently in the pipeline. Drip irrigation is an irrigation system where water drips onto the soil at very low rates (2 - 20 liters/hour) from a system of small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets called emitters or drippers. Water is applied close to plants so that only part of the soil in which the roots grow is wetted, unlike surface and sprinkler irrigation, which involves wetting the entire soil profile. In principle, there are two types of drip irrigation: sub-surface drip irrigation - water is applied below the soil surface and surface drip irrigation - Water is applied directly to the soil surface. Automated and smart irrigation system can also optimise the frequency and duration of irrigation.

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

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Optimizing Irrigation for Water Management
A thorough overview of irrigation, water conservation, optimization of irrigation, and relevant policy.
Shared by IFSS Research Team
Optimised Irrigation System Selection Model
Scientific paper
Paper on an analytical hierarchy process which selects the most appropriate irrigation method according to physical, socio-economic, and environmental criteria.
Shared by IFSS Research Team


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