Local agro-tourism

Description of the innovative solution
Agro-tourism is the intersection of the tourist and agriculture industry and increasingly becoming a global movement. More specifically, this solution seeks to attract visitors and tourists to different farms in order to educate, entertain, and generate income. The four main factors of agro-tourism include combining agricultural and tourist elements, attracting the general public, increasing income, and providing entertainment and/or education to visitors. This solution can include many different activities such as hosting farmers markets, U-Pick operations, and rural bed and breakfasts, just...
Agro-tourism is the intersection of the tourist and agriculture industry and increasingly becoming a global movement. More specifically, this solution seeks to attract visitors and tourists to different farms in order to educate, entertain, and generate income. The four main factors of agro-tourism include combining agricultural and tourist elements, attracting the general public, increasing income, and providing entertainment and/or education to visitors. This solution can include many different activities such as hosting farmers markets, U-Pick operations, and rural bed and breakfasts, just to name a few. Agro-tourism is mutually beneficial because it can generate mass income to rural industries while also providing something fun to do to the general public. Furthermore, this generates publicity about an industry of farms, furthering production. This benefits not only the farm or industry, but the broader community in which they are based, providing community education and increasing general interest in local food production. Specifically, agro-tourism can attract more visitors to a certain location and extend their stay.
Examples and additional resources
Real-world examples
See this solution in action in different contexts and settings around the world
Future of Farm-Tourism in Philippines
Additional resources
Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information
Agritourism and Farm Tours Library
Agritourism and Farm Visits
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