Farm-to-fork virtual marketplace

Description of the innovative solution
The farm-to-fork virtual marketplace is an online/mobile phone-based platform that connects farmers to food purchasers, including end-consumers, restaurants and hotels. While the farm-to-fork concept can encompass the use of digital technology through the supply chain, this innovation focusses on the virtual marketplace that connects producers and consumers. This farmer to market connection allows for more efficient and timely supply chains. It can also help the farmers to increase their profit for their products. The farm-to-fork virtual marketplace has assisted farmers in high-income...
The farm-to-fork virtual marketplace is an online/mobile phone-based platform that connects farmers to food purchasers, including end-consumers, restaurants and hotels. While the farm-to-fork concept can encompass the use of digital technology through the supply chain, this innovation focusses on the virtual marketplace that connects producers and consumers. This farmer to market connection allows for more efficient and timely supply chains. It can also help the farmers to increase their profit for their products. The farm-to-fork virtual marketplace has assisted farmers in high-income countries increase their profits, as locally sourced foods have become more desirable. There is the potential for this innovation to benefit smallholders, who can lose out in the supply chains of modern food systems, receiving only a small portion of the final amount paid for their produce.
Examples and additional resources
Real-world examples
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M-farm online marketplace for produce
Additional resources
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Advice on Produce Virtual Marketplaces
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