Farm-to-Fork digital knowledge hub

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM
14 May 2021

Description of the innovative solution

Most people want but do not know how to get access to healthy diets and protect the environment. However, much knowledge is already available and can quickly become implemented if people along the value chain get common knowledge to do so. Information technology tools (cell phones) are already available, which is why building knowledge platforms around these quickly can be implemented. This innovation leverages information technology as an opportunity to share knowledge regarding 'healthy eating', (local) food availability, food safety (e.g. water handling), weather forecasts to react both...

Most people want but do not know how to get access to healthy diets and protect the environment. However, much knowledge is already available and can quickly become implemented if people along the value chain get common knowledge to do so. Information technology tools (cell phones) are already available, which is why building knowledge platforms around these quickly can be implemented. This innovation leverages information technology as an opportunity to share knowledge regarding 'healthy eating', (local) food availability, food safety (e.g. water handling), weather forecasts to react both optimally in relation to agricultural production and fishing, develop communities, seed entrepreneurial skills all the way from school to the general population. The innovation will make the supply chain more visible and it will be possible to know where and how to obtain the 'parts' needed for a healthy and sustainable diet.

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

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Knowledge Hub: Case Study
Impact asssessment or evaluation
An evaluation of the reach and policy impacts of a digital knowledge hub called Knowledge Hub, this paper sheds insight on how globally accessible information can spark cross-continental collaboration and policy changes.


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This process involves defining a future vision of this solution being used in your context, and then working “backwards” to identify necessary steps to achieve this vision by 2030. Going through this exercise as an individual or with a team can help to clarify the WHAT/WHEN/HOW of moving a solution (or package of solutions) towards having major impact. We hope these pathways will inspire outside-of-the-box thinking, creative approaches, and actionable concrete steps to move ideas into action.

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