Solar powered cold chain

InspiraFarms Cold Rooms Facility from Ministry of Environment - Rwanda via Flickr
This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM
14 May 2021

Description of the innovative solution

Perishable foods, like fruits, vegetable, and animal source foods are nutrient-dense but are spoiled easily when not stored adequately, contributing to food loss and waste and price volatility. Solar powered cold units can prevent this issue in environments where electricity supply is unreliable or limited by improving storage quality and reducing post-harvest losses.

Perishable foods, like fruits, vegetable, and animal source foods are nutrient-dense but are spoiled easily when not stored adequately, contributing to food loss and waste and price volatility. Solar powered cold units can prevent this issue in environments where electricity supply is unreliable or limited by improving storage quality and reducing post-harvest losses.

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

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Cold rooms reducing food waste
News article, popular press or blog post
Article assessing what's needed to further scale solar-powered cold rooms and introducing challenges and solutions to market access of them.
Shared by IFSS Research Team


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