Satellite Tracking of foreign vessels in local communities' waters
Description of the innovative solution
As fish resources are dwindling, local communities from developing and emerging economies are experiencing a decline in fish protein due in part to international fishing vessels outcompeting them. This innovation proposes to track and identify infringing vessels through satellite imagery, complementing the Global Fishing Watch. Fish can be a sustainable and healthy protein, but without identifying the proper culprits for overfishing, many fisheries will be condemned to becoming extinct. This technology can help for people to quickly spot vessels that are not supposed to be fishing in certain...
As fish resources are dwindling, local communities from developing and emerging economies are experiencing a decline in fish protein due in part to international fishing vessels outcompeting them. This innovation proposes to track and identify infringing vessels through satellite imagery, complementing the Global Fishing Watch. Fish can be a sustainable and healthy protein, but without identifying the proper culprits for overfishing, many fisheries will be condemned to becoming extinct. This technology can help for people to quickly spot vessels that are not supposed to be fishing in certain areas. This technology, along with other practices, can help to curb the amount of illegal fishing that is done.
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Catapult Satellite Applications
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Global Fishing Watch information
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