Recipes to stimulate healthy diets

Description of the innovative solution
Various nutrient-dense foods that grow locally are forgotten in daily dishes. This could be a fruit high in antioxidants, a pulse high in fibre, or an insect high in protein that is not commonly prepared for the daily regime. It is known that consuming a wider variety of foods can improve diet quality and overall health. Stimulating the use of nutrient-dense ingredients in recipes could improve the nutritional value of dishes. Many communities cycle and re-cycle dishes on a weekly basis, and are hesitant to try new foods or are unaware of how to prepare foods that are less common. As local...
Various nutrient-dense foods that grow locally are forgotten in daily dishes. This could be a fruit high in antioxidants, a pulse high in fibre, or an insect high in protein that is not commonly prepared for the daily regime. It is known that consuming a wider variety of foods can improve diet quality and overall health. Stimulating the use of nutrient-dense ingredients in recipes could improve the nutritional value of dishes. Many communities cycle and re-cycle dishes on a weekly basis, and are hesitant to try new foods or are unaware of how to prepare foods that are less common. As local populations are used to consume these dishes, it is hard to change this behavior. This solution proposes to distribute recipes that renders culturally acceptable, tasty and safe dishes using nutrient-dense and sustainable ingredients. To make these foods more attractive and to increase their consumption, an effective engagement strategy to shift mindsets is a first step where recipes are shared through commonly used platforms that are context-specific.
Examples and additional resources
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Recipe tasting in food pantries
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