Promotion of native and orphan crops

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM
14 May 2021

Description of the innovative solution

There is a rich pool of native or orphan crops, fruits and vegetables that are currently underutilized and produced in very limited areas. This innovation is a whole value chain approach to promote the production, processing, and consumption of local underutilized, culturally appropriate crops to benefit farmers, diets, and the environment and make them desirable for both farmers and consumers. The innovation covers making improved production practices available for these crops, to creating market demand and supporting initiatives to make more easily accessible, desirable food products derived...

There is a rich pool of native or orphan crops, fruits and vegetables that are currently underutilized and produced in very limited areas. This innovation is a whole value chain approach to promote the production, processing, and consumption of local underutilized, culturally appropriate crops to benefit farmers, diets, and the environment and make them desirable for both farmers and consumers. The innovation covers making improved production practices available for these crops, to creating market demand and supporting initiatives to make more easily accessible, desirable food products derived from these crops. This innovation will also help to identify drought resistant crops, fruits and vegetables and serve as a hedge against climate change.

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

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Prospects of orphan crops in climate change
Scientific paper
scoping review identifying orphan crops that contribute to (1) sustainable and healthy food systems, (2) genetic resources for future crop improvement, and (3) improving agricultural sustainability under climate change


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