Pest Control Robots

Description of the innovative solution
The use of robotics for pest control and automatic pest surveillance. This solution helps to reduce the amount of pesticides and herbicides being put out into the environment. Robots are able to detect weeds and spray the effective amount of chemicals on that area. The robot will avoid spraying the crops directly. Farmers will ultimately spend less money on these chemicals because they will not be using as much of them. This includes weed controller, weed mapper, robotic gantry for macro pesticide spraying and fertilizer spraying, micro sprayer systems and continuous monitoring insect...
The use of robotics for pest control and automatic pest surveillance. This solution helps to reduce the amount of pesticides and herbicides being put out into the environment. Robots are able to detect weeds and spray the effective amount of chemicals on that area. The robot will avoid spraying the crops directly. Farmers will ultimately spend less money on these chemicals because they will not be using as much of them. This includes weed controller, weed mapper, robotic gantry for macro pesticide spraying and fertilizer spraying, micro sprayer systems and continuous monitoring insect detection tech.
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Fleets of robots for agriculture
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