Nutrient-rich school meals

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM
14 May 2021

Description of the innovative solution

As economies develop and children eat more meals at school, meal programmes struggle to provide nutrient-rich foods that are affordable and desirable for local communities. There is a need to provide nutrient-rich foods in school meal programmes in order to maximize physical and intellectual development of youth. This innovation includes introducing and scaling up the provision of locally sourced nutrient-rich foods during school feeding programs. The use of small fish as a nutrient-rich animal sourced food is an option as fish provide a combination of essential nutrients not found in other...

As economies develop and children eat more meals at school, meal programmes struggle to provide nutrient-rich foods that are affordable and desirable for local communities. There is a need to provide nutrient-rich foods in school meal programmes in order to maximize physical and intellectual development of youth. This innovation includes introducing and scaling up the provision of locally sourced nutrient-rich foods during school feeding programs. The use of small fish as a nutrient-rich animal sourced food is an option as fish provide a combination of essential nutrients not found in other foods. Nutrients could also be delivered in the form of a tasty nutrient-rich power drink, which is more acceptable to children, instead of fish as a meal ingredient.

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information

FAO School Food and Nutrition Framework
Scientific paper
This document is the result of an extensive consultation process and describes the key
areas of work in school food and nutrition that represent FAO’s comparative advantage.
Impacts of school feeding on educational and health outcomes of school-age children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries
Scientific paper
This paper outcomes a protocol through a systematic review and meta-analysis to provide a crucial evidence base for the educational and health benefits of school feeding on children and adolescents in LMICs.

Shared by Glocolearning


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Shared by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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