Intelligent food packaging technology

Description of the innovative solution
Intelligent food packaging technology contains sourcing, safety and traceability information regarding the production, processing and environmental footprint of food. Intelligent packaging technology monitors changes in the internal and external environments and relays information about the food product to consumers or end users. For example, an intelligent packaging system can communicate how fresh a product is or show the food's temperature. Intelligent packaging systems technologies include indicators that convey information about food; quality data carriers, such as barcodes and...
Intelligent food packaging technology contains sourcing, safety and traceability information regarding the production, processing and environmental footprint of food. Intelligent packaging technology monitors changes in the internal and external environments and relays information about the food product to consumers or end users. For example, an intelligent packaging system can communicate how fresh a product is or show the food's temperature. Intelligent packaging systems technologies include indicators that convey information about food; quality data carriers, such as barcodes and radiofrequency identification tags which are largely used for storage, distribution, and traceability purposes; and sensors, which quantify the state of foods. While intelligent packaging technologies have been used for some time, improved and more affordable technologies are under development. Intelligent food packaging technology can improve the safety, quality, and traceability of food products as well as reduce food waste.
Examples and additional resources
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C2Sense mobile sensing platforms
Smart Packaging for Fish Products
Additional resources
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Aspects of sustainability and design engineering for intelligent packaging
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