Insect protein for food sources

Description of the innovative solution
Protein is often a limiting nutrient when it comes to food security and high quality sources of protein often have a significant environmental impact. High quality, low environmental impact protein sources are needed to successfully provide this essential nutrient. This innovation sees insect sources of protein as the ideal solution. There are over 2,100 edible insects so there are many options that can be used in food dishes. The most promising insects that could be used for food production include black soldier flies, silkworms, grasshoppers, and termites. Insect protein tends to contain...
Protein is often a limiting nutrient when it comes to food security and high quality sources of protein often have a significant environmental impact. High quality, low environmental impact protein sources are needed to successfully provide this essential nutrient. This innovation sees insect sources of protein as the ideal solution. There are over 2,100 edible insects so there are many options that can be used in food dishes. The most promising insects that could be used for food production include black soldier flies, silkworms, grasshoppers, and termites. Insect protein tends to contain about 60% protein, contains vitamin B12, and has more calcium than milk, and more iron than spinach. It requires 455 L water to create 6 grams of beef and 72 grams of crickets, plus crickets require very little space. As the population continues to grow, insects are a viable option of a protein source that can be used in communities across the globe. While eating insects may be a great source of protein and other nutrients for humans, people in some regions, such as the United States, are averse to eating insects. So, educating the public on the positive effects of eating insects will be beneficial in making the practice more widespread.
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Different Countries that Incorporate Insects into Their Diets
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