Insect-based animal feed
Description of the innovative solution
This innovation includes novel animal feed - For insect farming, farms can be created to grow insects from food loss and waste that could be used to feed animals particularly poultry and fish. This would thereby also address the issue of food waste, by using such waste for large scale insect farming. To facilitate access to innovative feeds and livestock supply chains, profitable networks for farmers can be developed to implement more sustainable practices at scale that help farmers and pastoralists improve the quality and quantity of their products and connect them to reliable markets.
This innovation includes novel animal feed - For insect farming, farms can be created to grow insects from food loss and waste that could be used to feed animals particularly poultry and fish. This would thereby also address the issue of food waste, by using such waste for large scale insect farming. To facilitate access to innovative feeds and livestock supply chains, profitable networks for farmers can be developed to implement more sustainable practices at scale that help farmers and pastoralists improve the quality and quantity of their products and connect them to reliable markets.
Examples and additional resources
Real-world examples
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Waste-recycling insect farm system
Black Soldier Fly as Organic Animal Feed
Additional resources
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Can Using Insects As Animal Feed Reduce The Climate Impact Of Meat Production?
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