Gender-Sensitive Online Retail of Foods

This solution was shared by Kaylee Zhong
12 April 2022

Description of the innovative solution

Food insecurity is an increasingly big problem related to poor health and nutrition for people around the world. Lack of accessibility to affordable and nutritious foods disproportionately affects women, and food insecurity is correlated with many direct and indirect health problems, including malnutrition and obesity, negative pregnancy outcomes, as well as depression and other secondary effects. Women, especially in limited resources settings, also disproportionately face challenges in accessing affordable and nutritious foods, such as lack of time and limited transportation options (often...

Food insecurity is an increasingly big problem related to poor health and nutrition for people around the world. Lack of accessibility to affordable and nutritious foods disproportionately affects women, and food insecurity is correlated with many direct and indirect health problems, including malnutrition and obesity, negative pregnancy outcomes, as well as depression and other secondary effects. Women, especially in limited resources settings, also disproportionately face challenges in accessing affordable and nutritious foods, such as lack of time and limited transportation options (often with safety concerns), which makes in-person grocery shopping challenging. This innovation proposes to develop digital platforms, such as applications and websites, specifically aimed at women that allows them to order nutritious food online and have it delivered to their homes in more convenient, safe, and affordable ways. Digital platforms like this could be associated with improved access to safe and nutritious foods for women and their families. Furthermore, the incorporation of environmentally friendly food processing, packaging, and delivery methods from “farm to table” can boost this solution to help reduce the negative environmental impacts of this innovation.

Examples and additional resources

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Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information

Digitalization in the Food Environment
Scientific paper
Digitalization is becoming prominent within the food environment. Creating new ways to buy/sell foods impacts food availability, distance, and time.
Shared by Kaylee Zhong
Online Grocery Delivery Services
Scientific paper
Online grocery delivery services are a way to access and select healthier foods given food affordability and multiple payment options.
Shared by Kaylee Zhong
Environmental Impact of Online Retail
Scientific paper
In the long run, online grocery retailing should be beneficial with a significant reduction in emissions.
Shared by Kaylee Zhong
Environmental Assessment of E-Food Shopping
Impact asssessment or evaluation
There is controversy over the rebound effect, and whether or not digital platforms tend to substitute or complement physical travel.
Shared by Kaylee Zhong
Promises and Pitfalls: E-Food Retail
Scientific paper
Online grocery shopping may also increase unhealthy food choices for reasons such as not wanting to purchase fresh produce online.
Shared by Kaylee Zhong
E-Grocery Distribution: Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
Scientific paper
Autonomous delivery vehicles can be a potential solution in addressing the last mile problem of e-grocery shopping.
Shared by Kaylee Zhong


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