Dynamic integrated demonstration farms (non-digital education)

Description of the innovative solution
As urbanisation increases, youth are less interested in farming as an aspirational business. Some other barriers to entry for farming include knowledge and skill. There is a need for training by example and sparking of the community's interest in agriculture as a viable and attractive business with a strong purpose. This innovation is to create dynamic integrated demonstration farms, which aims to be both educational (for farmers and the community) and productive, providing food to the community in a farm to fork manner. This center can be scalable to other communities, providing employment...
As urbanisation increases, youth are less interested in farming as an aspirational business. Some other barriers to entry for farming include knowledge and skill. There is a need for training by example and sparking of the community's interest in agriculture as a viable and attractive business with a strong purpose. This innovation is to create dynamic integrated demonstration farms, which aims to be both educational (for farmers and the community) and productive, providing food to the community in a farm to fork manner. This center can be scalable to other communities, providing employment opportunities and skills to the communities adopting such centers.
Examples and additional resources
Real-world examples
See this solution in action in different contexts and settings around the world
National study of commercial farming in urban areas
Demonstration farm in Thailand
Langley urban agriculture demonstration project
Additional resources
Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information
Demonstration Farm Best Practices
Demonstration Farms for Transfer of Knowledge Case Study from Poland
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