Cultured Meat
Description of the innovative solution
Cultured meat, also known as in vitro, is an environmentally sustainable solution to meat production. It is no-kill product produced in laboratories that tastes just like meat. The cells are taken from biopsies of live animals and the 'meat' is supplemented with plant nutrients. This is causing an agricultural revolution, as this solution tastes very real and similar to meat. Vegan and vegetarian diets are becoming more accessible and desirable as this solution floods the market. Beef, specifically, is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, producing roughly 60 kilograms of...
Cultured meat, also known as in vitro, is an environmentally sustainable solution to meat production. It is no-kill product produced in laboratories that tastes just like meat. The cells are taken from biopsies of live animals and the 'meat' is supplemented with plant nutrients. This is causing an agricultural revolution, as this solution tastes very real and similar to meat. Vegan and vegetarian diets are becoming more accessible and desirable as this solution floods the market. Beef, specifically, is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, producing roughly 60 kilograms of emissions per 1 kilogram of meat. Therefore, cultured meats hold the unique potential to limit livestock farming cutting down mass methane and carbon emissions. Common brands such as Impossible Food and Beyond Meat are becoming more popular and normalized in society.
Examples and additional resources
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Mosa Meat
Mosa Meat
Mosa Meat
Additional resources
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The Business of Cultured Meat
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