Building local food

Description of the innovative solution
Our food environment can be defined as the physical features of our neighborhood and how they interact with our personal circumstances. Local food environments would introduce a system that delivers the widest possible variety of fresh food that is available, accessible, and affordable. Nutritious food sold in local markets, shops, and restaurants every day would influence better food choices and allow individuals to decide, within their local environment, what to eat. In more pointed terms, advertising and supply of factory foods are limited by various local fresh foods.
Our food environment can be defined as the physical features of our neighborhood and how they interact with our personal circumstances. Local food environments would introduce a system that delivers the widest possible variety of fresh food that is available, accessible, and affordable. Nutritious food sold in local markets, shops, and restaurants every day would influence better food choices and allow individuals to decide, within their local environment, what to eat. In more pointed terms, advertising and supply of factory foods are limited by various local fresh foods.
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