AgTech incubator

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM
14 May 2021

Description of the innovative solution

Innovation is particularly needed in emerging markets to nourish a growing and urbanising population in an environmentally sustainable way. Around the world - but especially in developing and emerging economies - there is high demand to increase the local capacity to adapt and/or develop local technologies to address local problems. Technology accelerators - established in partnership with multinationals - offer enormous potential to increase local technological capacity and foster new innovations that offer local solutions. Innovations emerging from these incubators can lead to local...

Innovation is particularly needed in emerging markets to nourish a growing and urbanising population in an environmentally sustainable way. Around the world - but especially in developing and emerging economies - there is high demand to increase the local capacity to adapt and/or develop local technologies to address local problems. Technology accelerators - established in partnership with multinationals - offer enormous potential to increase local technological capacity and foster new innovations that offer local solutions. Innovations emerging from these incubators can lead to local, sustainable business development and job creation while at the same time promoting and supporting local solutions to safe and nutritious food availability in an environmentally friendly way.

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Pathways to uptake

Engage with our “backcasting tool” to imagine and design “pathways to uptake” for this solution in your setting.

This process involves defining a future vision of this solution being used in your context, and then working “backwards” to identify necessary steps to achieve this vision by 2030. Going through this exercise as an individual or with a team can help to clarify the WHAT/WHEN/HOW of moving a solution (or package of solutions) towards having major impact. We hope these pathways will inspire outside-of-the-box thinking, creative approaches, and actionable concrete steps to move ideas into action.

Pathway builder