Demand-driven food production

This solution was shared by Wageningen University & Research , 07 March 2023

Print date: 21 March 2025 13:58

Description of the innovative solution

Food environment - external Food environment - personal Consumer choice Retail promotion Behavior change Agricultural development Waste Tuft's Innovation Lab

There are many steps in the farm-to-fork roadmap, from the producer of the food item to the individual consuming the food. Innovations and investments on the agricultural and production side of the supply chain are often incentivized by supplying large amounts of food, rather than consumer-driven demand for specific types of food. This solution proposes that consumers decide on how much food is produced and which food products are developed. This could involve a pre-order procedure, where customers pay a premium for the food in advance. The products could be either bought online, at the farm itself, or in local shops. This could also involve a monitoring system of how much food is consumed in a particular setting and then relay back the information to the farmers. Demand-driven production could channel a more accurate estimation of which types and in what quantities consumers are choosing food products and better inform producers. Advocating for a pull-approach, where products are geared by consumer choices, instead of a push-approach could reduce large amounts of food loss and waste downstream and fair earrings for farmers.

Supply chain segment


Maturity level

Gaining traction


Food availability Food affordability Climate mitigation Climate adaptation Reducing biodiversity loss

SDG target

SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 13: Climate Action


Urban Peri-urban Rural

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