Nugdes in supermarkets for sustainable dietary choices
Print date: 21 March 2025 13:59
Description of the innovative solution
Nudges are gaining traction as an effective way to guide immediate consumer behavioral decisions. Also called, “health nudges” many countries are trying to promote healthier food choices in different settings to reduce obesity and health-care costs associated with communicable diseases. This solution aims to influence consumer behavior in supermarket settings towards healthy and sustainable food choices through the use of nudges. Multiple forms of nudging have already been investigated, such as increasing the availability of healthy and plant-based products at eye-level of supermarket stands. Better placement of healthy and sustainable products and available recipes on or around these products could improve diet quality and dietary patterns. Consumers could also be nudged towards healthy and sustainable food choices by individualized sales in the digital (online) environment. For instance, nudging could be placed in the context of online supermarket environments, such as by displaying recipes, reminders, icons and add-to-cart suggestions during order and check-out.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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The Effects of Nudges: One-Shot Only? Exploring the Temporal Spillover Effects of a Default Nudge
Beyond carrots and sticks: Europeans support health nudges
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