Fermentation for better health
Print date: 19 December 2024 02:30
Description of the innovative solution
Fermented foods naturally contain probiotics, which have particular health benefits in improving gut health. Frequent consumption of probiotic foods has been found to improve the absorption rate of nutrients in the intestine and protect the body’s immune system to a number of diseases. Specific types of bacteria and yeast can be used to ferment perishable foods that would otherwise be thrown away. Fermentation of unsold produce can also increase the shelf life of food products so they can be consumed at a later moment. For example, probiotic yogurt compared to traditional yogurt has a longer shelf life – which improves availability and access to milk products for consumption. To-date, the market for probiotics as supplements or fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, or yogurt is rising. For example, pasteurized and probiotic yogurt cultures are safe from microbial contamination. The pasteurization process kills all harmful microbes that come through unhygienic handling of milk. As probiotic yogurt cultures can deliver aflatoxin-free yogurt products, consumers are at a reduced risk for food safety issues. Fermenting foods can be easily done in households and there are many platforms and communities that teach about fermentation.
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