Integrated Gher Farming System

This solution was shared by Wageningen University , 04 March 2022

Print date: 20 March 2025 13:03

Description of the innovative solution

Collaboration Community building Education - youth Food biodiversity Regenerative agriculture Solar energy Women empowerment Behavior change Consumer choice Nutritious food Closing nutrient loop Healthy diet Traditional food Food environment - external

Traditional Gher farming is practiced in some coastal regions and presents an alternative system that produces a staple food crop (such as rice and fish) in conjunction with a high value cash crop (such as prawns) with the aim of providing social, economic, and environmental benefits to the local community. Often, areas primarily focused on fish production are low in farming diversity. Instead of cultivating a single crop, Gher farming systems could change cropping patterns and include a wide range of products, like prawn, carp fish, boro paddy, and other vegetables into the local diet. Communities' diets could be diversified by adding an elevated platform on which to grow vegetables and other crops even during the monsoon season. An integrated Gher-focused program could include a school meal system that connects students with farmers around diversified fish production methods. This integrated program could train farmers around Gher production, connect a fish-to-meal network for school meals, engage with local women in the preparation of the school meals, and enable teachers to facilitate the knowledge exchange on nutrition and farming between students and farmers.

Supply chain segment

Agricultural inputs and primary production practices

Maturity level



Food quality Food availability Food desirability Climate adaptation Increasing agrobiodiversity

SDG target

SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being SDG 4: Quality Education SDG 5: Gender Equality SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG 10: Reduced Inequality SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 13: Climate Action


Rural Marine/Coastal

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‘Gher’ Farming System of Bangladesh
Scientific paper
The present chapter provides a detailed examination of the present status of ‘gher’ farming system, i.e., an integrated prawn-fish-rice joint culture, which is practiced widely in the southwest region of Bangladesh.
Shared by Wageningen University


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