Eliminate wastage by re-inventing markets

This solution was shared by Freshi , 20 September 2021

Print date: 13 April 2024 00:02

Description of the innovative solution

Big data Collaboration Community building Digital platform Online services Traceability Waste Women empowerment Postharvest technology Supply-chain management

The current supply chain for most smallholder farmers is not efficient. Due to lack of market linkage support, smallholder farmers may experience more than 40% annual food wastage. In many emerging markets, the supply chain connects the smallholder farmer to the consumer through middlemen or large companies buying in bulk. Food production relies heavily on the buyer, rather than on consumer demand. As farmers have limited capital and technology, they are forced to rely heavily on their buyers (middlemen) to access the market. This causes an enormous amount of food wastage due to unsold produce. On the other hand, demand for food delivery in urban areas is rising with an increase in value in convenience. This solution would act as a reseller model, linking the farmer to the consumer, through a direct food delivery system. Without eliminating the middleman, this innovation would instead buy what the middleman does not want. Instead of saving perishable food once it has reached the market, this innovation saves food at the start of the supply chain.

Supply chain segment


Maturity level

Gaining traction


Food availability Climate adaptation

SDG target

SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 5: Gender Equality SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 13: Climate Action SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal


Urban Rural

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Shared by Françoise Cattaneo Freshi

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Shared by Adelaide Sayi Makwaia Freshi

I am interested in collaborating to take this solution further, contact me to see how we can work together

Shared by Elisa Cifiello Freshi