Small-scale processing toolkits for nutritious foods
Print date: 27 February 2025 20:28
Description of the innovative solution
Small-scale multipurpose processing tools/kit allow individuals to process foods at a low cost to diversify food products, reduce food loss, preserve foods, increase food safety, shelf life of foods and/or enhance the nutrient content of foods. Such processed foods could also be sold/exchanged and thereby provide a novel and stable revenue. Such tools/kits can be distributed in infrastructure-poor environments and be made available for youth or women. These could be designed for different foods such as dairy, for example to produce fresh cheeses. Tools could also be designed to process fruits such as steam juicers, solar dryers or dehydrators to increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables or to manually process nuts into pastes. Other examples include a multifunctional soy small-scale processing kit could help transform soy in soy milk, yoghurt and tofu.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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