Certification for regenerative agriculture
Print date: 24 February 2025 13:03
Description of the innovative solution
Certification in general can provide many benefits to producers, including premium prices, access to fast-growing local, regional, and international markets, access to additional funding and technical assistance, as well as other benefits in providing support for local economies. Regenerative agriculture, and the closely-related concept of holistic agricultural management, describes farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity. Many countries will become increasingly vulnerable to droughts. To some extent, this could lead to a vicious circle: devastating droughts cause soil loss and degradation, which in turns leads to more droughts, crop failure, and famine. One way to break this cycle is by implementing land restoration programs. Regenerative farming practices can be helpful in this regard. Such programs strengthen soil health and create all sorts of positive long-term effects. As an innovation, the rapid, extensive implementation of Regenerative Organic Certification in developing economies, provides an opportunity for emerging markets to become global leaders in this sector. By implementing regenerative farming practices as soon as possible, producers in emerging markets can have a first-mover advantage, and establish themselves as leaders in the field of regenerative agriculture. Regenerative agriculture certification will also strenghten relationships with customers and the community of other growers.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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What Does the New Regenerative Organic Certification Mean for the Future of Good Food?
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