Integrated digital platform for women empowerment and financial inclusion in the food system

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM , 14 May 2021

Print date: 04 December 2024 13:23

Description of the innovative solution

Community building Education - adult Information/communication Mobile phones Women empowerment Behavior change Food literacy Technical training/support Finance Food environment - personal Consumer choice Retail promotion Capacity building Investment fund Tuft's Innovation Lab

Social protection programs focused on women’s empowerment have shown good results to improve women’s empowerment and household nutrition, but those programs have poor coverage and limited reach in the urban slums and rural remote areas. This innovation will leverage digital tools to improve the financial inclusion of women, particularly focused on the potential for digital financial services to link women to markets, raise incomes, reduce poverty and facilitate women’s greater control over their earnings and savings, all critical elements of women’s economic empowerment.

Supply chain segment

Educational, outreach and empowerment aspects

Maturity level

Gaining traction


Food quality Food affordability

SDG target

SDG 1: No Poverty SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being SDG 5: Gender Equality SDG 10: Reduced Inequality


Urban Peri-urban Rural

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information

Empowering Women Through Financial Inclusion: A Study of Urban Slum
Scientific paper
The study contributes to existing literature by advancing the debate on women in urban slums and identifies the substantial need for the development of formal financial system to enhance the scale of financial inclusion.


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