Integrated Farmers Federation Support
Print date: 21 March 2025 13:58
Description of the innovative solution
Smallholders in developing economies have more limited capacity to make their farms more resilient to negative impacts of climate change. Support in the form of local needs assessments, development of locally relevant action plans, and possible external funding to support farmers in times of extreme weather events, drought stress, etc. is critical to increasing local capacity to adapt to the increasing challenges of climate change. Integrated farmer support in the form of organized local chapters of a sub-national farmers’ federation would help build and sustain capacity for farmer resilience. This innovation includes an Integrated Farmers Federation Support (IFFS) advisory platform to provide farmer households with outreach and knowledge building, and agricultural extension and technical training programs - tailored to local needs depending on the setting - and value chain and market access pathway development, as well as small scale businesses incubator support and other services as determined most necessary in a given context.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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