Print date: 24 February 2025 19:35
Description of the innovative solution
Environmental and social impacts of animal-derived proteins are high. As the global population grows, there is an increasing need for quality protein that can be produced at a fast pace and at low environmental cost. This solution proposes to cultivate and commercialize duckweed for feed and human food. Duckweed are freshwater plants (Lemna and Wolffia) that grow extremely fast, with low nutrient requirements. They have a high nutritional profile especially regarding protein content and vitamin B12 content. Duckweed grows easily outdoors or indoors. In outdoor settings, duckweed has been proven efficient for eutrophic water purification. They are easy to harvest and can also grow on wastewater. Duckweed could be cultivated for water purification or for the production of high quantity/quality food/feed. Recirculating systems can be used when cultivated indoors. In Northern Thailand (khai-nam), Burma and Laos, Wolffia globosa has been harvested as food for many generations. However, it is still considered as "low-standard" food and hasn't been adopted by other countries. Duckweed resembles in taste to watercress or spinach.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
Examples and additional resources
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Duckweed - a potential high-protein feed resource for domestic animals and fish
Rutgers Duckweed Stock Cooperative Website
Duckweed acceptability of Dutch consumers
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