Universal basic income
Print date: 21 March 2025 13:59
Description of the innovative solution
Universal basic income is a government implemented fiscal policy entailing the supply of a specific amount of money to each adult in a given nation/state at a specific, regularly occurring time. Universal basic income, known as UBI, essentially assures that everyone living within a certain state has enough money to sustain themselves. UBI would have incredibly far reaching positive impacts. UBI would alleviate poverty, hunger and many inequalities that stem from these. A universal basic income would be financial support through the government for those who need it. The universal basic income would be the start to leveling out financial inequalities. In the long term, the wealth gap would shorten and citizens would be able to trust the social finance net that is ready to catch them if they need.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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What we know about universal basic income: A cross-synthesis of reviews
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