Bundled crop insurance products

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM , 14 May 2021

Print date: 25 February 2025 16:17

Description of the innovative solution

Collaboration Community building Finance Sharing economy Women empowerment Subsidy Agricultural development Agricultural extension Capacity building Crop breeding Investment fund Micronutrients Irrigation

A barrier for increased vegetable production is that farmers, particularly small farmers, may have to give up staple food space if they want to change to vegetable production. This risk is increasing with climate change. Mechanisms to protect the livelihoods of smallholder farmers are necessary to assist in producing more vegetables and diversity beyond staple crops. This innovation includes crop insurance products and subsidies as mechanisms to assist in establishing vegetable production. The insurance would come bundled with the seeds, and would reimburse farmers should disease spread. The payouts could be financial as well as in high quality seeds, irrigation or other assistance to help re-establish production.

Supply chain segment

Financial aspects

Maturity level

Moving to scale


Food availability Climate mitigation Climate adaptation Water use Soil health Reducing biodiversity loss Increasing agrobiodiversity Reducing pollution

SDG target

SDG 1: No Poverty SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being SDG 5: Gender Equality SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG 10: Reduced Inequality SDG 13: Climate Action



Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information

Best practices for subsidizing agirucultral insurance
Scientific paper
Highlights the importance of agricultural insurance while also examining some of the pitfalls and main concerns that governments should have when designing such policies.


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