Synthetic biodegradable packaging
Print date: 01 February 2025 09:05
Description of the innovative solution
Rising environmental concerns about the volume of waste generated by packaging materials has led to a new interest in the development of synthetic biodegradable packaging. While most packaging material is typically made of synthetic, petroleum-based polymers, this innovation utilizes synthetic polymers that are specifically designed to be biodegradable, and thus will eventually break down into natural materials in shorter time spans than its predecessors. This can lead to a general decrease in the volume of solid waste produced globally, as well as have notable effects on decreasing contamination from traditional packaging materials.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
Examples and additional resources
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Additional resources
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Types of biodegradable synthetic polyesters being developed
Database for suppliers and manufacturers of certain bioplastics
For a Greener Future: Biodegradable Packaging Materials
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