Antibacterial LEDs

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM , 14 May 2021

Print date: 21 March 2025 13:58

Description of the innovative solution

Packaging Preservation Waste Food safety

Food hygiene remains a serious public health issue. There is an urgent need for cheaper and safer disinfectant alternatives to ultraviolet (UV) light and chemicals. The innovation proposes to make use of antimicrobial Light-emitting diode (LED) lights whose LEDs utilize light energy with wavelengths ranging from 200 to 780 nm. These can be at work 24/7, delivering continuous protection and creating an inhospitable environment for microbes. LED lights are cheap, easy to use and offer a longer operational life. LEDs produce an antibacterial effect by photodynamic inactivation due to photosensitization of light absorbing compounds in the presence of oxygen and DNA damage.

Supply chain segment

Regulatory aspects

Maturity level

Moving to scale


Food quality Food safety Reducing pollution

SDG target

SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure



Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

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Study on efficacy of LEDs
Scientific paper
Scientific paper testing the efficacy of specific wavelengths of LEDs , suggesting their potential in the food industry.
Shared by IFSS Research Team


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