Solar processing
Print date: 21 March 2025 13:58
Description of the innovative solution
Nutritious foods are generally prone to microorganism growth, which can result in significant post-harvest losses across the supply chain and impact food quality and safety. Solar processing, specifically solar drying, offers an environmentally sustainable and cost-effecient method of processing and preserving nutritious, highly perishable foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish and meats. Solar drying may be especially advantageous in areas where distribution infrastructure and cold chain is limited. Solar drying equipment uses the thermal energy of the sun and allows for management of moisture content, air temperature, humidity and airflow which helps to preserve the flavor, texture and color of the food. The equipment varies in complexity and capacity, allowing both small-scale and industrial processors to acquire and operate the technologies. Solar drying can remove up to 80% of moisture content, preventing growth of microorganisms and thereby extending shelf life and avoiding contaminants. Solar dried foods may be of high quality and can add value for surplus crops that would otherwise have gone to waste.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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Solar dryers for agricultural products in Asia and Africa: An innovation landscape approach
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