Intensive household gardening
Print date: 05 December 2024 20:09
Description of the innovative solution
Intensive gardening is used to maximize the amount of produce harvested in a given garden area. This method can be applied to household gardens, ranging from small yard plots to 'balcony boxes,' to increase household food security and nutrition, and bolster resilience to global food shocks. Household gardens are an integral factor of local food systems, and are increasingly important as the global population continues to grow, and hunger and nutrient deficiencies continue to claim lives. Home gardens have some commonalities; they are often located on marginal lands or areas, and take up only a fraction of a house's arable land if any. They also come in many shapes, sizes, and serve different functions with different crop compositions. Most of the literature on home gardens focuses on tropical areas in Central and South American, South and South-east Asia, and Africa, but this phenomenon is applicable to many contexts. While home gardens have potental to create a positive impact, there are still many constraints to be kept in mind, whether it be lack of inputs, time, knowledge, labor, land, and more.
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Home Gardens Literature Review
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