Print date: 20 March 2025 12:58
Description of the innovative solution
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants, typically crops, in nutrient solutions rather than soil and may involve the use of an inert growing medium such as gravel, saw dust, coconut fiber, etc. to provide mechanical support. Hydroponic systems can vary in complexity and scale from hobby to commercial levels and are often used to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs. While hydroponics has existed for centuries, the technique has received increasing attention in recent years as a viable alternative to traditional soil-based farming which is challenged by climate change and causes a wide range of negative impacts on the environment. Hydroponic systems have several benefits vis-à-vis soil-based farming; among others, they are highly resource efficient, using up to 90% less water, and generally produce higher yields at a faster pace since nutrients circulating in water are more accessible to plants than nutrients in soil - many crops can be produced twice as fast. Furthermore, hydroponic farming, allows for crops to be grown and harvested throughout the year regardless of weather or climate conditions and can thereby close potential off-season supply gaps. Production can also take place in unconventional contexts such as urban and dessert environments, moving fresh produce closer to the consumer.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
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Evaluation of hydroponics agriculture in Bangladesh and its potential
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