Secondary Markets for Food Waste

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM , 14 May 2021

Print date: 27 February 2025 19:33

Description of the innovative solution

Circular economy Collaboration Community building Digital platform Sharing economy Waste Postharvest technology Perishable food Retail promotion Market access Supply-chain management Infrastructure Tuft's Innovation Lab

Food waste includes food products, such as surplus products, that are in perfect condition and could be consumed as such without the need for processing. This innovation proposes to create dedicated markets to sell discounted food or groceries sourced directly from food producers, manufacturers and distributors. Numerous initiatives are emerging around the world to create a direct market for food waste, without any process or transformation, such as b2b marketplaces for imperfect and surplus produce. These aim at facilitating the trade of surplus products, focusing on fresh produce. Other initiatives provide a marketplace that connects businesses who have surplus food with individuals who want to rescue this food.

Supply chain segment

Wholesale, markets and retail

Maturity level

Moving to scale


Food availability Food affordability Climate mitigation Water use

SDG target

SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 13: Climate Action


Urban Peri-urban

Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

Learn more about this solution through studies, articles, business cases, and other information

Retail price discrimination and food waste
Scientific paper
Study investigating how quality-based price-discrimination can result in a substantial level of retail food waste.
Study on the impact of Commercial Peer-to-Peer Mutualization Systems (CPMSs)
Scientific paper
Project report conducting supply chain and economic analysis to determine the viability of CPMSs.


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