3D printed food
Print date: 21 March 2025 13:58
Description of the innovative solution
3D food printing is the manufacturing of food products using a digitally controlled, robotic process to precisely mix and deposit layers of ingredients to construct food pieces. While robotic-based food manufacturing has been used for some time to automate food preparation processes and reduce human workload, 3D printing offers a different user experience. It allows greater creativity and control of the food manufacturing process by allowing the users to customise and personalise food forms (e.g. colour, shape, flavour) and materials directly. 3D printing of food is in its infancy. Currently 3D food printing is used in gourmet dining, and for high-end cake decoration and printing of plant based ‘meat’. However, there is significant interest in 3D food printing and the industry is likely to grow rapidly in the future.
Supply chain segment
Maturity level
SDG target
Examples and additional resources
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3D printing: Printing precision and application in food sector
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