Restorative Ocean Farming

This solution was shared by PRE-LAUNCH RESEARCH TEAM , 14 May 2021

Print date: 21 March 2025 13:58

Description of the innovative solution

Animal feed Aquaculture Closing nutrient loop Food biodiversity Preservation Water availability Traditional food Regulatory protection

The negative environmental impacts of aquaculture include nutrient buildup, water eutrophication, reduction of water quality. It also includes the alteration or destruction of natural habitats and the introduction and transmission of aquatic animal diseases. Aquaculture practices can deplete the water of oxygen, creating algal blooms and dead zones This innovation proposes to introduce restorative ocean farming as a new aquaculture practice. Restorative ocean farming combines different aquaculture production such algae, shellfish and fish. This practice is reported to have a positive effect on the marine environment and restoring coastal biodiversity. Integrated aquaculture is also referred to as integrated aquaculture or ocean gardens.

Supply chain segment

Agricultural inputs and primary production practices

Maturity level

Gaining traction


Food quality Food availability Climate mitigation Water use Reducing biodiversity loss Increasing agrobiodiversity Reducing pollution

SDG target

SDG 2: Zero Hunger SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation SDG 10: Reduced Inequality SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 13: Climate Action SDG 14: Life Below Water



Examples and additional resources

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Additional resources

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How restorative ocean farming works
News article, popular press or blog post
Article from the Yale School of the Environment exploring restorative ocean farming from the perspective of the non-profit, Green Wave.
Shared by IFSS Research Team


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